Adding Marketing Custom Field Entries

2 configurable fields have been added to the workfile Contacts tab under Marketing Information. Access this feature by editing the repairer profile, and then clicking on the Marketing - Custom Fields link under Repair Management.

Define the list of values you’d like to appear for Field 1 and Field 2. When configured, the fields enable corresponding droplists in the workfile Contacts tab. In the workfile, either select a value from the droplist or enter a value that matches one of the options listed.

When custom marketing fields are configured, you will also see Field 1 and Field 2 columns and filters in the following reports:

To add marketing custom fields

  1. Select Configure, and then select Profiles from the menu bar.
  2. Select the repairer profiles, and then select Edit from the mini-toolbar.
  3. Click on the Marketing - Custom Fields link under Repair Management.
  4. Select Edit from the Field 1 pane. The Field 1 screen opens.
  5. Select Add from the toolbar, and then enter a description (10 character maximum).
  6. Select the Active checkbox. When checked, the entry appears in the Field 1 droplist of the workfile Contacts tab.
  7. Repeat steps 4 - 6 for each entry to be added to the Field 1 list.
  8. Select OK to save changes to the Field 1 list.
  9. Repeat the steps 4 - 8 to add entries in Field 2 list.
  10. Select Save or Save and Close.

Note: Entries cannot be deleted once added to the Fields screen.


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